Friday, 20 February 2015

Political Think Tank Research Papers and Review Process Procedures Challenged

If you are one that likes to stay up on current events and do online research then there is no doubt you run across to the think tank research papers from Washington DC. Many of these papers have to do with hot topics in our civilization and society. These papers put forth all sorts of research, statistics, and data and their conclusions are always in line with their focus as a political think tank group.
As a conservative-libertarian obviously, I find that all of the free market think tanks put forth information that is reality based, and completely true. Whereas, I find that the socialist-liberal leaning groups of this type to put out information that is completely false, miss-representative of the truth, and using statistics in a way meant to deceive. As if they are obviously attempting to convince us of something that isn't true in order to promote their political agenda.
Now then, if you are a socialist-liberal thinking person, you most likely believe that those types of groups are uncovering the truth, serving the public common good, and serve as excellent scientific research whistleblowers against corporations, big business, and government. Interestingly enough, it doesn't really matter which side of the fence you're on, neither of us is going to change our views.
You see, I will always believe that socialist liberal policies are a disaster for America, and those that side with those policies are a few inkjet cartridges short of these research papers they print out, and spew forth onto the masses. Still, no matter which side of the fence you are on, we do need a better review process for all political think tank research papers.
We need better fact checking, and reality based data. One thing I've been noticing lately is reports coming out of the OMB, and GAO, which are government agencies often lean one way or the other, and they are also fudging their numbers. That is sickening, because it is paid for by taxpayer's money.
So, anything that is put forth as a research paper no matter who is writing it needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb, and bad data needs to be removed. Graphs, charts, and statistics that show a particular political leaning theory must be looked over for possible manipulation, and misrepresentation. Please consider all this.
Research Papers
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